






Unico Box

7.4kW smart edition with cable
Cod. 100/1-32-3


Unico Box is easy and smart. a 100% Italian product.
Easy to install and manage, adjustable to two power levels.
Compact in size, it is equipped with a 3 meter charging cable.
Smarter than that?
With Power Sensor: Dynamic Power Management for intelligent management of energy consumption, the Unico Box has the ability to adapt to the available power.

Free dynamic power management .


excluded taxes
You can add the options described below to your order, which we will deliver to you together with the Wallbox.
Warranty extensions
You can add the options described below to your order, which we will deliver to you together with the Wallbox.
Warranty extensions

Variant price modifier:
Prezzo base, tasse incluse
Prezzo di vendita con sconto
Prezzo di vendita491,00 €
Total: 491,00 €
Prezzo di vendita491,00 €
Prezzo di vendita, tasse escluse491,00 €
491,00 €
Total discount:
Ammontare IVA
Total Tax:
Price / kg:

Technical specifications

Number of holds: 1
Power: Power Basic up to 2.3kW
Power Upgrade up to 7.4kW
Electrical characteristics : 230V AC - Single phase - 10 ° / 32 ° - 2.3kW / 7.4kW
Protection: IP54
Operating temperature: - 25/50 ° C
Weight: 5 kg
Cable: 3 mt
Socket type: IEC type 2 IEC 62196 -2 (2014) with locks automatic ggio of the connector
Charging method: Mode 3 according to IEC 61851-1
Network connection: Bluetooth
Activation and Authentication: Plug and Charge
Certification: CE


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